Spice Of Life (Biblical Spices)


Shir haShirim means Song of Songs in Hebrew. ((Hebrew: shir means song; if you add “im” -pronounced y’im – to any word it becomes plural. The “ha” is “of” or even “of the” bringing together: Song of the Songs.))  It is the title to that much-misunderstood book in the bible that the Greek/Roman culture called the “Song of Solomon.” Song of Songs is an allegory, and God’s words in this book can never be understood if read/translated “literally.” It is truly among the greatest song of all the songs of creation. Let me give you a few powerful instances:

A Jewish theologian by the name of Harav David Feinstein, wrote that the Second Temple was destroyed because of “causeless hatred, of which evil speech, gossip, and slander is a form. The Temple will not be rebuilt, nor redemption achieved while this sin is still rampant among us.”
The Talmud denotes that a spice, or incense, which amounts to true intercessions atones for evil speech.

Numerous rabbis have come to teach, that the “mountains of spices” in the Song of Songs refers to, or is a symbolism of our intercession. Much like a plea (in the judicial sense of the word), we are asking God to remove the obstacles to our redemption and build the Temple to attain the place of eternal atonement for (or from) our sins. We cannot-will-not coddle sin any longer. This is a cry for Messiah – Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God!

Thus, the allegorical translation of the Songs is, “My beloved flee from exile and speed my redemption so that I may find atonement for my sins on your mountain where incense is offered!” This speaks of the mountain called Calvary/Golgatha where God the Father drove His stake in the ground with the cross of Yeshua. This is the true mountains of spices that we pray for our families and the world.

Now herein is the strategic offering of prayer as incense and intercession with a pointed purpose: To say with the prophets, “Our fathers have sinned; we have sinned. Forgive our sins because of Your infinite mercy and not by any acts that we have committed!” We then rely upon our new covenant through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Yet, this kind of praying has no effect unless the intercessor is standing in the eternal place, in the King’s chamber, in the throne room, and the atoning prayer has the authority to cleanse the land of the strongholds that have been established by the sins committed. Let the intercessors arise to this appointed place at this appointed hour.

The most considerable “spice” is our connection that is given to us. That connection is with the Holy Spirit, Who is given to us as the full God-head through the Blood of Jesus Christ. I’m talking about our new covenant-connection life.