Our Latest Books

Wayne & Stephanie have published a number of book titles & have more subjects & titles that they are preparing. This is a good place to keep up with them and peruse the newest books.
The latest titles are at the top of this list. When you click on a title you will go to the Amazon page for more information & purchase.

Our latest Books for you

Revealing Faith

Wayne & Stephanie’s newest book is full of revelation on the faith that works miracles in your life and the lives of people around you. We don’t believe this is a dust catcher on the bookshelf but a reference book throughout your faith-filled walk with the Holy Spirit.

Audio Book is available at:


Communing With the Father at the Table Of The Lord

This book is a game-changer because it is a lifesaver! Break off the chains of dark religion, and bring communion back into your home where it belongs—renewed edition with more. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Audio Book is available at:


"If MY People . . . "

By prophetic uterance of the Creator’s Own voice to Solomon, the son of David, the Kingdom answer to a world gone wrong is given. Yehovah’s plan is strategic and optimal – it produces results. Grasp the plan.

Audio Book is available at:


Home Is Where The Throne Is

he Throne room is a place of intercession, and a place of the will of God expressed unto the earth. From there the future is molded and shaped by the Father’s will. His Kingdom is forever. The government of His Kingdom is ever increasing being activated by angels and His beloved children.

Audio Book is available at:


The Mystery In ONE - Manifesting Miracles

To see the miracles of Jesus & His Messiah ministry take place in our lives we need to grasp the first miracle of two becoming one.

Audio Book is available at:


The Obedience Phenomenon

Perfect obedience is impossible. Or, is it? Obedience is not doing things you are told – doing things that are right. Obedience is the phenomenon of what takes place when we walk in the Spirit & His Presence that is in us flows forth from us. In His Presence is perfect obedience.


40 Days of Prayer & Healing

This is a powerful devotional for strategically praying for miracle divine healing. Many hundreds have now reported of miracle healings. Thousands have been using this book for themselves and loved ones.

Change the World With Prayer

The “Lord’s Prayer” is the most dynamic and effective teaching on prayer, and comes from the Master Himself. This book has answers that will change the world around you.

Adventures In Religion: Radio Sermons by John G. Lake

The radio program sermons and some of John G. Lakes last sermons that He preached. Wayne C. Anderson was the 7th President of Lake’s denomination and was the first editor of all of the written sermons of John G. Lake. This is a view of some great history of miracles. Edited by Wayne C. Anderson

Wayne & Stephanie Anderson

Authors, Podcasters, Course Instructors, Speakers, etc

Wayne & Stephanie are proclaimers of the overwhelming authority of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ – Son of the living God! They write on subjects that reveal King Jesus & His will in heaven that changes the earth.

Be sure to try our audio books:


Free Courses

  • Wayne & Stephanie are building a 10 Unit course:
    "Learn To Build Prayer Protocols"
    You will really want to learn with this free course and increase your effectiveness in intercession, land assignments, and healing the world around you.
  • More to come!

Premium Course - "Becoming Aware of Angels"

Wayne C. Anderson provides enlightenment and biblical precedent for believers to not only know that angels exist but also begin to see them and understand their heavenly function and works here on earth.

This premium course is getting rave revues as a continuing series of learning sessions. Check it out. You won't be disappointed.