Standsure Ministries
with Wayne C. & Stephanie Anderson
love based apostolic ministry
Welcome To Standsure Ministries Web Experience!
Table of the Lord is Online
always a great experience!
the table with wayne & stephanie anderson
wayne & stephanie take about 20 minutes to bring and all new and powerful divine tableview with revelations on Yaweh’s deliverance power & restoration of His family
"If MY People . . ." Live Podcast
Occasionally, on the 2nd Day of the week, @ 5:30 pm mountain time zone – live on youtube, vimeo & facebook and elsewhere – recorded on our “if MY People” landing page (click here). wayne & stephanie take about an hour to revelate on how God will rescue our nations and heal our land.
Our AudioBooks
find our audiobooks here, each of our books in print are becoming audiobooks and more are being planned
Shop for our Books
standsure press with books, cd’s, audio downloads, video downloads & lots of really cool stuff that you will want to purchase
Partnering Ministry
our partners get our first & foremost attention! we continually pray for our ministry financial partners. we minister prophetic insight to our partners in a personal way. our partners get special messages, their own website chock full of revelatory stuff
Ministry Events
wayne & stephanie have traveled extensivly and desire to see you at an event near you. please watch for our coming events and attend our ministry events. powerful, miraculous, revelatory ministry takes place. we want to see you there!
International Apostolic Ministries
wayne & stephanie and our standsure ministries team are part of the apostolic team of International Apostolic Ministries (I.A.M.) check us out and consider becoming an I.A.M. family member. Apostolic alignment at its best.
Our I.A.M. App is the best way to connect with Wayne & Stephanie. Get our App today and sign up: Click Here!
Revelatory Articles
articles of faith for your attention, written by wayne c. anderson; story teller, revelator, teacher & lover of Yehovah. this is a feast that you won’t want to miss and these articles are sure to broaden your dreams & your hopes.
Wayne & Stephanie
wayne & stephanie anderson are the apostolic leaders of standsure ministries. with a global outreach having established ministries in over 30 nations on six continents & a voice of the wisdom of the kingdom of heaven in the lives of the leaders of nations, wayne & stephanie bring a highly Holy Spirit experience to everything that they do
Free Courses
- Wayne & Stephanie are building a 10 Unit course:
"Learn To Build Prayer Protocols"
You will really want to learn with this free course and increase your effectiveness in intercession, land assignments, and healing the world around you. - More to come!
Premium Course - "Becoming Aware of Angels"
Wayne C. Anderson provides enlightenment and biblical precedent for believers to not only know that angels exist but also begin to see them and understand their heavenly function and works here on earth.
This premium course is getting rave revues as a continuing series of learning sessions. Check it out. You won't be disappointed.