A Believer’s Ability to Heal the Land In the modern Church there is a foundational principle that has been generally missed by theologians, preachers, Church leaders and people of prayer that I believe could be among the most freeing revelations of creation...
From Heaven’s Courts: When You Pray, Say… The Lord’s Prayer empowered… “It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples.’” (Luke...
Spice Of Life (Biblical Spices) Shir haShirim means Song of Songs in Hebrew. 1)Hebrew: shir means song; if you add “im” -pronounced y’im – to any word it becomes plural. The “ha” is “of” or even “of the” bringing together: Song of the Songs. It is...
Something That Moves Mountains We’ve all heard it said, “honesty is the best policy.” That’s cute, but the essential time for honesty is when we are facing God. Honesty at the very deepest parts of your being is what is absolutely necessary to have meaningful dialogue...
Never Believe Any Part of a Lie You have, no doubt, heard it said that there is a little bit of truth in the lies that the devil speaks. Well, according to Jesus, that is just not true. Jesus said, “he is the father of lies, and the truth is not in him.” I think you...